Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Video Game Do You Remember Most?

A quick note before we get started: I'm going to do my absolute best to post something new every day. And if not, then at least 5 days out of the week. Let's commit to this, and keep my brain working around something more creative, and less educational-based.

If you grew up playing any video games at all, then this post is for you. I challenge you to think back to your childhood and answer a question for me. What game is most vivid in your memory?

Now, this may not necessarily mean the game you played most often, or even a game you beat. It could be anything. The graphics, the colors, the music, the gameplay. Anything.

For me, nothing screams "childhood" like Mike Tyson's Punch Out for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

I can recall countless hours pummeling each contender that stood in my path. Sadly though, the image pictured below was never part of my experience.

There are numerous people who play this game, knowing every subtle nuance in timing their moves just perfectly to defeat each challenger in a matter of seconds. This was not my experience with the game, and it never will be. Dedicating the amount of time required to memorize every subtlety such as that would ruin the experience of the game for me.

Or maybe it's just that I know I can't do it.

What I remember most in this game is the music. I suppose that is why when presented with the spontaneous opportunity to record a parody of one of the game's most memorable scenes, I couldn't refuse.

No, I don't normally run like that, but thanks for your concern.


  1. lol good vids, man


  2. For me it's Street Fighter 2. I didn't get to play Punch Out until I was a little older and while I loved it, it just doesn't stand out as much to me.

  3. punch out


  4. Nice vid man! keep it up! supportin'

  5. Martio FTW cant forget

  6. Mine is definitly Ultima Online. I spent sooo much time on this game. Aaaaww, I feel nostalgic.

  7. just showing some love :)


  8. Lucky you! I'm still trying to find something I can blog about daily. News is toooo widespread.

  9. From the old days I remember playing Contra, Mortal Kombat 2 and Fury of the Furries most od the time. Oh good times!

  10. Super Mario Brothers. I still have it and it works.

  11. love your posts ..

    support u daily hihi

  12. duke nukem and heroes might magic 2
